Monday, January 28, 2008

He said: "It's not true that I think that I'm better than you, because it is a fact that I am better than you. I have more money than you; I have a younger wife than you have; I have a larger house and I drive a faster car; my kids go to a better school than yours do and they make better grades; I travel more than you do and speak more languages than you speak; I have better clothes than you wear and my body is better sculpted than yours; I eat better, dress better, and enjoy a life that is richer than yours is. I will die, when that time finally comes, in my sleep and will feel no pain for eternity. All of this is true, but you should pay it no mind because we are still friends."
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

She thought: "This is the time spent and this is the place shared together in the Emergency Room; the sounds of laughter and machine blend together, the monitors for hearts and minds gong and ding signal sounds of a life above the asphalt floor in this place of foreign light."
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Monday, January 14, 2008

Into the distance; back from away.
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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

He thought about all of the people in movies he'd seen who know somehow that they will die, but don't know that the movie will end. That's what Hell must be like, he said; to have salvation just around the next corner without the realization that it's there for you, like an emergency door, or a Get Out Of Jail free card; to see the horror all around you, knowing that you are a part of it, but not knowing that there is an end where the Director cries "Cut! That's a wrap" and all of the actors take up their real lives and go to their rooms and remove the make-up and take off the doomed clothing that doesn't belong to them, but to some character that has been created to move a story line forward, and then meet up with the people they love to have a drink or a meal or to just relax against each other in a darkened movie theatre.
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Thursday, January 03, 2008

...and the sky began to clear after a brief rain and the clouds parted like it was the First Day and everything that the sun touched glowed and the world awoke and came alive and he thought to himself as he looked toward the hills "Life is good. Life has always been good".
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