Friday, July 29, 2005

"Find the Americans" They're the ones who eat. So, anyway, Nicki, Miles, and I are off to the home planet to be debriefed. It's time for the annual report. I don't know if I'll be able to post on any kind of regular basis or not. I travel light: no laptop, no blackberry, to dvd player, no cell phone, no mp3 player, no electronic crap of any kind. No sherpa, no worries. A change of underwear, a wrist watch, my passport and ID to entertain the security staff, good shoes, a good book, ear plugs, an apple and a bottle of water spiked with Pernod. Works for me. I will try to find an Internet Cafe in Hilo or the public library, but they usually frown on sending files over their networks. So, we do the best we can, then we move on. Am I right? So, if not now, when? Well, after 20 August. That's when we will be detailed back to Alphaville and the blogging will continue in earnest. If there's nothing new to look at you could always try reviewing the old stuff. There are many secrets hidden there. You might even win the prize. Someone has to. Why shouldn't it be you? What do you want us to bring you back?
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