Thursday, September 08, 2005

This is not something you ever want to see in Washington, DC. Not anywhere. Not anytime. This is a scary thing. Particularly, you don't want to see it where it is now: in front of the White House. What kind of emergency, do you think, would it take to call out the Secret Police Security truck to the White House? Especially considering how difficult it is to drive up to the White House Gates. There are guardhouses on each side of Pennsylvania Avenue. There are fireplug sized metal things coming out of the ground to stop cars, trucks, tanks for all I know. When someone, like the Secret Police Security Truck or those black Ford SUVs with the grayed out windows, want to or need to pay the President or his family or staff a mid-day visit, there are people to look at badges and who make the fire plug sized metal things slide into the ground so that they can pass through. For all I know, there are missiles buried under Pennsylvania Avenue to blow something that didn't get clearance to go through into the next life. So, if is far from comforting to see this homeland or other Secret Police Security Truck parked as if it came to a "screeching halt" on Pennsylvania Avenue in from of the White House. Maybe someone's plastic disposable camera looked a little too much like a WMD. Maybe someone said something not so complimentary about someone living or working in that house. Maybe it was a practice drill. Maybe it was an averted REAL Secret Police Security Emergency that we, because of the sensitivity of the situation, will never know about. Who know? Not me, that's for sure. I'm just a guy who likes to take a walk at lunchtime. That's all. I swear. And who are these Secret Police people anyway?
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