Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Self Portrait with Pontiac: I'm a sucker for antique automobiles. I can't explain why. It's just a "thing" that I have. The 50s were a time, it seems, when America was at the top of its game and the automotive companies, and there were a lot of them, battled each other every year for the best/sexiest/most innovative design; for introducing new features and luxury. My uncles and my dad all got new cars every three years, no matter what. One uncle always bought Chevys; another always bought a Ford. A family friend always went for Chrysler. He was super-hip. Must have been rich, or at least that's what we thought. There was no such thing as a "foreign" car back then. Volkswagens, I guess, were the first wave. Now it's hard to find a US made car. The whole new car thing stopped being exciting for me a long time ago. I guess they're pretty much the same, the only obvious difference being SIZE. I still like to look at the classics, though. They still look pretty good to me.
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