Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A song lyric kept going through his mind: "Sometimes you gotta do what Elvis did and shoot the damn thing out". He couldn't keep it out of his brain. What was maddening was that he couldn't remember where he had heard the song that the line was from, or, in fact, what the song name was. He though that if he could just hear it one time, then the snippet would leave his brain and he could move on. There would be "closure" as they say. But, instead, he was being tortured by the song. Every time he turned the television on that line kept cycling in his head. "Sometimes you gotta do what Elvis did..." It was making him crazy. So, what he did was this: since he didn't have a gun, he threw the f**king TV out; just put it out on the curb for the garbage men to take away. After he did that, he felt much better. He listened to the radio instead, hoping to hear that song. But he never did. As the first week passed, he felt more like himself. He really wasn’t sorry he got rid of the TV. At least not very sorry. There wasn't anything much on anyway.
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