Thursday, March 29, 2007

It came to me in a dream: I was alone in an emptied village. There was no one around; everything was completely still and silent. There was no wind; there were no sounds from birds or insects. The sun was bright and low on the horizon and I knew that soon it would be dark and that I had to find shelter. There were several small houses ahead of me and I started to walk toward them. I could hear the sound of the dried grass beneath my feet. The air was cool. I didn't know how I had gotten to this place and I didn't understand what I was supposed to do there. I listened to myself breathing as I walked up to one of the houses. I called out, but no one replied. I walked up to an open window and looked in; there was no one there. There hadn't been anyone there for some time from the looks of it. Then I knew; somehow I knew that this is what it will be like in the end. This was the place at the end of time. Then I woke up.
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