Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This is what could be called "Technological Earth". It's what we use to cover over the dirt that sometimes inconveniently turns into mud when it rains or dust when it doesn't rain. Nothing grows in this techno dirt, but then nothing is supposed to. (In fact, nothing will grow pretty much wherever techno dirt has ever been.) One of the many magical things about techno dirt is you don't have to weed it. When it gets wet, the sun dries it out in minutes, not hours. It's ideal for walking on, but is a little too hard to lie on comfortably for any length of time; and woe to those who, for whatever reason, happen to pass out or faint on this stuff. Ouch! It's not as colorful as real earth, but that only means it doesn't make itself noticeable in a garish way. It also makes a very textured minimalist design.
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