Monday, June 15, 2009

She said: "I could never, really, explain what happened. I can't explain it because I don't really know for myself what went wrong. It all happened so fast. It was like the flicker of an eye, and it was over. One minute we were having fun, listening to music, talking while we watched the sun slowly sink down into the earth, and the light faded and it was becoming night. We had had a few drinks, but so did everybody. We were on vacation and allowed ourselves a little of this and a little of that. Nothing like this had every happened out there. We had spent Summer evenings out there many times throughout the years and there was never any violence or anything that even approached violence. But, I guess, it only takes one time; just one moment can change everything. I didn't even hear the shot or the broken glass. The next thing I knew was he was on the floor and he was bleeding. Then he was gone. Just like that. In the flicker of an eye, he was gone. Just like that."
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Blogger Paula said...

I just took a few minutes to catch up from late April. I am always inspired, breathless, awestruck when I read this work. I know this guy, have since we were kids and things words come out of him...remarkable.
thank you

2:48 PM  
Blogger Jim Landry said...

Thanks, Paula! T'is appreciated.

9:06 AM  

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