Monday, April 04, 2005

Just an hour outside of Reykjavik is another country entirely. This one is a land of lava fields, Summer homes, small towns, waterfalls, and volcanic craters. The earth, as Miles describes it, is "rich". The soil is red with I assume is iron, but could just be red stuff of some unknown composition. Moss grows on the lava rock, sometimes quite thickly, forming a kind of carpet that is pleasant to walk on. This carpeting, however, has boulders under it, so it is a lumpy walk. Navigable paths are carved out by previous walkers, so exploration is easy, even if the terrain is not. For scale, if you look really, really hard at the top of the image, a little left of center, there is a speck. That speck is a human being, walking around the crater ring.

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