Saturday, April 02, 2005

Afterward he realized what he had missed. After it was all over it became so obvious to him. It was laid out before him like a map. The trail was plotted out, bit by bit and was now obvious. After it was all finished. Now that it was done, of course, none of this insight offered much. It was too late now. Now that it was all over. But, he still had to marvel at the brilliance of the plan. How the signs had been there all along, but never seem. Or, at least, never understood for what they were. Each pointed to the next sign, which in turn pointed to one next down the line. The logic all lined up brilliantly now that he understood the key. It all made sense. He only regretted, and regretted deeply, that he hadn't caught on sooner. That he could not have prevented all that suffering. All that pain and suffering.
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