It seems to me that the only reason for being here is to get back to the garden. But, events like this week's killing news from Va. Tech make it so much harder to get there. Handguns are not going to get you into the garden. Killing anything is going to keep you from getting into the garden. Lobbyists are not going to get into the garden. Being involved in torture is going to keep you out of the garden. Being a corrupt and irresponsible business tycoon will keep you from getting into the garden. Enron executives will have to find a way to get along without being in the garden. Most of our current leaders in Washington and elsewhere will have a hard time finding a way into the garden after the mess they've left the rest of us. HipHop Shock Jocks are not going to make it to the garden, thank god! The ones who prey on their neighbors, the ones who steal from the ones who have nothing left to loose, the ones who target strangers in the dark of night, the ones who lead them into the darkness from which there is no return, the one who destroy faith, and love, and trust, and serenity, who foul the earth we live on, and dismantle the dreams of the young and hopeful will never return to the garden. This is reason enough to get there somehow. Stumble It!
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