Thursday, May 01, 2008

He said: "I lost something back there. I know it sounds stupid, but the only way I can describe it is to say that what I lost was my soul, whatever that is. Instead of warmth, inside I feel cold. I wake up screaming in the dark. Everything is dark. Some of the guys have that look that I see so much of in their faces. They look like blanks. They do crazy things. I saw on of the guys in our troop shoot about 100 bullets into a body that was already dead. And he was laughing and screaming cuss words at the same time. I'm different than I was before, but not in a good way; not in the way I thought I would be. My uncle said that it would make a man out of me. He was in Nam; said it was the best thing in his life. I can see now that he doesn't have a soul anymore either to have said something like that. So, that's why I can't recognize or celebrate any holiday that's build around a war. Any war, anywhere, ever. It don't mean anything to me."
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