Friday, December 11, 2009

He said: "Here's how I do it. This is what works for me: I dream my life forward, just a little, every day. What I mean to say is that I dream the life I am living before it actually happens. Or, maybe a better way of saying it is that what I dream becomes the life I have. It all happens really fast and the pieces that get dreamed that eventually become my experiences are experienced first as tiny bits of a dreamed story. Isn't that weird? It works for me though. It might be considered as a way to control my life, but that's not correct at all. It think of it as a technique where I dream forward and don't look back. Somehow everything always falls into place and the life I have makes sense somehow. As I said: it works for me. I appreciate the coming attractions very much. They allow me to relax for the rest of the show, even though I might not always know how the story ends. It's sometimes enough just to know how the story starts."
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