Wednesday, November 12, 2008

She said: "

A bird flew into the front room window this morning. I heard a “whack” that sounded like the newspaper boy flinging the paper a little too enthusiastically onto the front porch, but the paper had already been delivered earlier. I looked out of the window and didn’t see anything, so I opened the door and went out onto the porch. A very stunned bird was resting on the floor, panting, but still alive. I was concerned about the cat, but she was inside. The bird was not moving and didn’t seem aware that I was within inches of her. She closed her eyes, and after a moment, opened them again. I was afraid to do anything that would hurt her, so I left her there on the porch, hoping that she would recover from the shock of flying into my window pane and continue on to the place she was on the way to, wherever that was. It didn’t seem right that her flight would end on my porch. I thought about her all day and now can’t wait to get home to see if she is still there, away from the place that she wanted to be."

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