Saturday, June 20, 2009

He said: "We had exchanged letters back and forth to each other for years. We rarely, if ever, spoke on the phone except for a very few times like when, say, her Mother died that bleak Summer and she didn't know what to do next. We had always been close and when they moved away to go back East, it was hard on both of us. But, we stayed in touch around Holidays and Birthdays, and times like that. I think we both thought the same thing over the years, namely, that neither of us had aged at all; that we looked exactly like we did in High School and in College. The mind is funny that way. It forgets to remember and lets ourselves fool ourselves. So, when the she became ill and I felt that I had to fly out to see her, I have to admit I was a little shocked because the person I saw was not the person that I had expected to see. It was the same soul, but a different person and I was surprised. I don't know why I should have been. And the funniest thing was that I could see that she was just as surprised as I had been. The voices had stayed the same, pretty much, over time. But the packaging, what we looked like, had become different. Isn't that funny?"
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