Thursday, February 25, 2010

He said: "I just noticed one day. One day while I was walking to the subway, I noticed that all of the young men had very short hair like what my father had when he was in the Army. Some of the young men had a little bit of facial hair, a "soul patch" here, some quiet "side burns" and such. But, basically, all of the young men looked like Republicans. Now, my knowledge of what young Republicans look like relates from what I experienced in the '60s so it probably doesn't mean anything at all to the anyone who is not "old school". I use to have long hair and it's still pretty long sometimes. I would like to grow it real long, but I think I'd look to much like a hobo or something. But, it's funny though. After all of these years and all of these living generations, hair is still sends a message and hair length still has power. Hair is STILL an issue."
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