Sunday, January 31, 2010

She said: "My name is 'Cherished Treasure'. That's not 'First Name: 'Cherished', 'Second Name: 'Treasure', but 'Cherished Treasure' all together. As you might guess, my parents who named me this were Hippies. I often wonder what it was that they could have been thinking to have given a helpless child this name. I guess they were probably stoned and not thinking right. But, truth to tell, the farm where we lived had a lot of strangely named people. I wasn't the only one, and I didn't actually think anything of my name until I had to go to a real school after the commune broke up. My name in that school got lots of laughs, as you can imagine, and it got to the point that I hated to have my name called out in class, because they always got it wrong and when they got it right, the other kids giggled and made me feel weird. When I was 18, I had my name changed. I was mostly on my own by that time and it was a hassle and a bother, but I finally was able to legally change my name to Cheryl Anne. That's (1st name 'Cheryl) and (middle name 'Anne'). I think it suits me better and everyone thinks it's normal."
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Blogger Unknown said...

Intarresting...i like it.

8:22 PM  

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