Wednesday, February 03, 2010

He said: "I don't know, I just think that it's a little strange that someone with the name 'Beyounce' should be more famous and better know that the President. It just don't make much sense to me at all. I think that she is famous because she is a singer and because her hip-hop boyfriend beat the poo out of her, or maybe I'm mixing her up with some other entertainer person. But, whatever, she is real, real famous and everybody, even me, has heard of her even though I don't really know anything about her. But, I'm sure that there are lots and lots of folks who think that the President is the person that Right Wing Radio nuts say he is, which is just wrong. Just because they have some staff writers who are paid to come up with these lies, don't make it the truth. But a lot of people think that it is and I think that they must be the people who know who Beyounce is, too.
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