Wednesday, March 03, 2010

He said: " Wow! I am blown away! This is just SO HUGE! I don't know why I didn't see this a long time ago, but I didn't, but now it all comes together and the results are staggering. Here is what I'm so excited about: All time is happening AT THE SAME TIME. Our lives are not linear. There is no 'Beginning" and there is no 'End'. It's all happening around us and through us. It is about us in all time and in every place we know. We are both young and old at the same time. We are both here and there at the same time. Everything is connected to everything to form a perfect universe of ideas and sensations and calculations. And, it's all so convenient. If you want a better life, just go the time where that is a possibility and it will happen for you. Want a different life? It is there, right in front of you. All you have to do is move your physical body into that time space and it happens. You are, after all, a part of everything that has ever happened and you are the force that keeps it moving and keeps it evolving. I have to go now. Someone is calling me."
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