Thursday, September 16, 2010

He said: "After the accident I felt shaken, but OK. Considering how much damage had been done to my car, I felt like I was lucky to be alive. I didn't ever see what or who hit me. I was going too fast, I know. Whoever was driving the other car was going pretty fast, too. The road was a mess were the 2 cars came apart. It was getting dark and no other cars came to help us. It was strange and quiet and was beginning to get cold. I was going to walk over to the other car to see if anyone there was hurt, but I couldn't find the other car. I could see pieces of car, mine or his, I don't know. But I could not find the driver or the car and that was when I started to panic a little bit, because it was too quiet and I wanted to get home so no one would worry too much about the accident. As I stood there, spooked, I had a strange feeling of being lifted, lifted up, out of the dark, above the trees and the ruined road bed below me. I felt like the wind was blowing me away and I was being lifted up, over the homes and up into the sky."
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