Tuesday, September 07, 2010

He said: "I can hardly remember the times we had together back then, when we were young, foot loose, and just a little bit crazy. Science now tells us, of course, that when all that stuff between us was happening, our brains were still developing and that's why we did the things we did: because we only had 3/4s of what would, in adulthood, be our brains. Damn we had good times though. I remember racing around the quad at 3AM wearing nothing but a grin. I wasn't doing much grinning the next morning, as I recall. Of course, we probably wouldn't have had to spend a creepy weekend in lockup if we had had a brain then. And then there was the driving: I drove us into New York City and for the whole ride I wasn't really sure where the roadway was. I guess, looking back, that it's amazing that we're still here testify how stupid young men can be. I know what you're going to say and you will be correct. 'That was a long time ago". It was, that's for sure. It was a different era with different ways to get into trouble. I don't know. It doesn't really feel that long ago. Not really. Not when you think back. It seems, really, just like it was yesterday."
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