He said: "Gee. I mean anyone would have done the same thing. No one would leave someone on the side of the road like that and not help, right? I mean, it's what we do as humans. It's what set's us apart from the animals. At lease that was what I was taught in school. Maybe that's not how it is now, I don't know. With these endless wars that go on so long we can't really remember what we're fighting for, or what we're fighting against. But, you know? No one just leave someone that has been hit by a car and who goes over the roof of the car practicaly, and who ends up on the sidewalk and who is really messed up; no one would just drive on and pretend that it didn't happen, right? I stopped my car. I waved other driver down to at least slow them down. I got my cell and I called for help. That's all I did. It's not a big deal. Anyone would have done the same thing. Right?" Stumble It!
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