Monday, September 27, 2010

He said: "It was the idea of motion that propelled me. The idea of movement followed by release. It was the idea that there was actually something out there to meet me and to propel me even farther than I knew I could go by myself. The world was barriers that needed to be swept aside so that I could prepare myself for the next thing, whatever that was. I liked the city because it was always moving; it never stopped to rest or to check navigation or to worry about outcomes or responsibility. The real world was in motion always, in all directions, for all time, in ways that I could never explain or understand, because it was not understandable to me. I was just a mote swept along by a breeze that was the result of the a breath from the other side of the table where two old men played checkers in the park, stopping only when the light was gone."
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