Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He said: "I wasn't running away. I was running toward something. I was reaching out and hoping that someone would see me before I drowned. It seemed like I was always running. I ran by the church choir singing their hearts out for Jesus. I ran up the stairs and out the door. I ran away from the war that will never end and I ran from the heat and hatred of Mississippi and Georgia. I ran from the parents who didn't know who I was. I ran from the towns and over the mountains. I ran to the beat of my heart and with a tear in my eye from the dust on the road. I saw others, like myself, who ran until they could no run anymore. I followed the sun and the moon and the stars and my own compass and my own time. I ran and then stopped when I could not run anymore. I stopped and I wait on the side of the road for my brothers and for my friends so that they could somehow find me and take me back home."
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