Monday, March 07, 2011

She said: "..I had this terrible dream where everything around me was on fire. The houses in my neighborhood were on fire and the trees where on fire and all around me people were screaming because of the fire. I, however, wasn't on fire. I could feel heat and I could smell smoke, but the fire wasn't on me, but it was all around me. I don't know why I wasn't burnt. I don't know why I was saved. I don't know what started the fire and I don't know what put it out because I woke up then. I was breathing so fast and I started to cry. The dream was so real. I finally settled down, but I could not sleep anymore. I saw the sun come up, but I stayed in bed. I called in sick to work because I was still so upset. What do you think it means? Why did the fire happen? What put it out? Why was this my dream? I don't think anyone else I know had such a dream. I never want to die that way. I don't want to go by fire. I don't want to go by fire."
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Blogger Meola said...

Ne félj a tűztől,nem a tűz éget.Az indiánok között nem egy személy található,kik csak azt kérdezik,tudsz-e,mersz-e velem tűzben állva szemlélni múltakat,jövőt.De ez már már dimenzió,túl az üveghegyen.

5:58 AM  

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