Wednesday, February 09, 2011

He said: "I was falling through space. The branch I was standing on snapped under my weight and it and I fell. I could see every single thing as I fell. I could see the sky and the clouds that were above me. I could see the other trees in that part of the wood. I could see animals, like squires and a bunny, on the ground that was coming up to meet me. I heard sounds and saw lights. It was like my brain was suddenly on "high" and it was taking in each moment of my fall and was sending this information back to me. As the ground came closer, it seemed to me that everything was slowing down. My fall was slowing, like there were unseen hands that were there to catch me somehow. I remember hitting the earth and hurting, but the hurting was only for just a moment. I lost my breath, but then got it back. Nothing was broken except that branch. I was saved, somehow, I don't know why. It was like I fell into someone's hands, into someone's care, into something that I can't explain. All I know is that I'm alive and mostly unhurt and am in someones hands and those hands are now are a part of me. They are taking good care of me, a foolish old man."
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Test,lélek,spirit,mire megöregszik a test,már mindegyik külön kezd életet,valami féle folytatást ez függ a csatlakozási pontoktól.

10:18 AM  

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