Monday, October 25, 2010

He said: "In our tribe, we tell stories about our people and about ourselves. This helps us to stay connected and to make a connection to others in our world. These stories are about the air around us and how the air supports us and warms us and carries us like the birds. Other stories are about the water and how the water is sacred, blessed even, because the water bathes us and washes away the dust of the day and tends to what grows in the ground. What you notice if you hear our stories is how common the themes of our stories are because we are a simply people and because the best stories have themes that are about us all, as a people. There is one aspect of our story telling that has newly come to me as an elder: What I notice is that everyone who tells a story, tells is differently. This makes our past richer and our future more of a surprise. And that, I think is good for us because surprise is a part of wakefulness, don't you agree?"
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Anonymous Home Elevators Grand Rapids said...

Thank you for this

2:57 AM  

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