Thursday, June 16, 2011

She said: "You know? We were all friends. We grew up together. We used to play at each other's house. We went to school together. We dated each other. You know? We were a team. We looked out for each other. When one of us was in trouble, we all gathered around the one in trouble and tried to make it better. We were a crew, ya know? We dressed alike . We thought alike. I loved these people. Do you know what I mean? This was my world and these were the people in my world. I would have done anything for my friends. I would have gone anywhere to help them if they were in trouble and needed help. Later on, I baby sat for some of the new born little ones that were coming along. I didn't even see it happen. I remember looking up and seeing the bus coming toward where we were sitting. It was coming real fast and I member thinking that the bus driver was driving too fast to stop for us. I stood up and I think that saved me. I got thrown into the air and was hurt some, but not all that bad. Everyone else who was waiting for the bus was killed except for me and a little girl, Ema. For some reason we were spared. I don't know why. I hope some day I will know why. I hope some day I can forget what happened to my friends."
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