Friday, May 20, 2011

She said: " She died on September 11th and I don't know why. That's the part that hurts me the most: there was no reason for her to die. There was no reason for her to be down there that day. I don't know what drew her there. I don't know why she had to die there, in all of that smoke and in all of that fire and in all of that confusion. It just doesn't make any sense. It was a day like any other day, but then everything turned upside down. I knew something was wrong when she didn't call me. Something told me that something was not right. Of course, I saw the smoke and later I heard the news from neighbors here. By mid afternoon everyone in the world knew what had happened. It was then that I really began to worry, even as I told myself that it was crazy to worry about her. There was no reason for her to be there. There was no reason at all for her to go downtown then. What the hell was she doing there? It took a week for the confirmation. By that time I was already sure she was gone. Oh, God! What the hell was she doing there? She's dead, and I don't know why."
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