Friday, November 11, 2011

She said: "It was all around me. The light. That super bright light. It felt like I was being pierced by the light. Like the light was a laser and it was being beamed to everything around me. I was too stunned to turn around and run. I was too afraid to run anyway. I felt the light on my arms and on my legs. I felt warm on a cold November morning. I felt suspended. And at the same time, I felt comforted and protected some how. I didn't even think about running away. I don't think I could have run away even if I tried. The light grew brighter even than it was, but then began to fade. I could feel my skin cooling, and then, suddenly, it was gone. Just like that. Just gone. And I was stunned at how quickly the whole thing took to happen. I was stunned, but not from the light. I was stunned because it left me. Whatever it was, it left me, and moved on to some other place. And I was still here. I haven't moved an inch. Something happened, and then it was gone. If you look real close, you can still see the places where I got burned."
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