He said: "In stories, people who have died can come back to life again and they tell us how great it all is. They always look better than they did before they died and the stories that they tell are better than the stories they told when they were living. I, for one, am just not buying it. Not for a second. I don't want to want to join them in this wonderful world beyond this one that they're trying to sell to me. GO FISH! I'll just wait until it's my time to go and then I'll decide on what is what on my own without any help from anyone else. Having said that, I'm kinda ticked off that I have to wait to find out how great it all is until then. What if they're wrong?" Stumble It!
The main thing that mostly bothered him was remembering places that he had never been to and experiencing things that he had never done. Some of these false memories were scary. He kept remembering an experience that happened to him in Mexico when he had never been to Mexico. The people in this memory were foreign to him. There were three women and two men and he was teaching them something. These people sat in a circle and were listening to him and he was speaking to them in Spanish. He did not speak Spanish. He did not speak anything but English. He sometimes thought that he was going crazy. That's why he didn't talk about these memories and the dreams of flying. He thought that he was loosing his mind. Stumble It!
He said: "Let me count the ways: Gitmo, Fake news operations, warrantless wire taps, WMD, Abu Ghraib, Photo ban on flag-draped coffins, "I'm the decider", Katrina, Walter Reed hospital, Black Water, Water boarding videos gone missing, Cheney! Are there any questions?" Stumble It!
He said: "My main concern is that there won't be anyone left to forgive us and that how it started and where it ended will be forgotten in time. Who will learn from our mistake? How can we prevent this from ever happening again?" Stumble It!
It wasn't fear that that he felt, but a lightness of being; a terminus. He knew that what he was doing was dangerous. He was still in bondage as the elders had been in bondage before him. He had traveled far and now wanted nothing more than to lay down his body and rest. But he knew that would come later, much later. There was the river yet to cross and the fields beyond that to cross, but only at night. These were the days of shadow and these were the nights of frost. Stumble It!
He said: "It was like dropping through the rabbit hole that Alice fell through in the children's story. It was just like that; everything was upside down and crazy. I couldn't feel my feet and I couldn't tell if I was bleeding or not, but my head felt wet. I couldn't move my hands because they were trapped under me, but I could feel them. I didn't really know where I was or how I got there, but I found out later that I must have fallen asleep and I ran off the road and flipped over a couple of times down a steep hill. I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. I guess I forgot. No one saw the accident, so no one reported it. No one came to look for me for about a day, I guess. I didn't think about being dead, although I thought that I must be. It's funny, really. What I thought about, while I waited for someone to find me and get me out of that crushed car was that no one was home to feed the cats. Isn't that funny? I was worried about the cats." Stumble It!
He said: "We were young! And we wanted to make a noise; a noise that would be heard far away from here. We were sick of the lives our parents lived. We were sick of the phoniness of it all, the pointless way their days slipped past them; a walking death. We took drugs that opened up parts of our being that we couldn't know was alive and waiting for us. For some of us, this was a dead end; for others, it was a temporary road out of HERE. We wanted to be heard. We wanted to be declared a kind of toxic waste. We wanted to make a mark. We wanted to die dancing into the dark! Stumble It!
She said: "I believe that it was William Faulkner who said that the past is not dead; in fact it's not even past. I know for a fact that he is correct. Everything that I have seen and everything that I have felt or experienced or have been told about by friends or family is still with me, living in me every day. Some parts make me stronger. I have known sorrow. I have known horror. But I have also known kindness and courage. Each day is another link in a very strong chain that feeds me and informs me and gives me the strength to take in another breath." Stumble It!