He said: "Everything in American comes in a condom. No pun intended, Ha ha, but it's true. It's almost impossible to buy anything that isnt wrapped up in at least 2 levels of plastic wrap that I often, to my dentist's horror, have a go at the tightly wrapped plastic wrapping that covers almost anything you buy. It makes we crazy. I still (I know, I know) buy CDs rather that download songs to iWhatever and those things, the music CD you'dt think they were worth a king's ransom, they are so hard to get opened. I swear, I cuss, I have a go with my finger nails, then move to my teeth, then just start cussing up a storm. I have learned to let the hired help behind the counter open the freeking thing for me. Otherwise I'd probably be in prison somewhere for assault or so. It's stupid and to my taste, unneeded. If we got rid of the hard plastic pods that are around seemingly everything, our level of heart attacks and just random violence to plastic would go way down. We'd be a happier people. We'd have more time to enjoy life rather than cuss at plastic, and wouldn't that be great? Wouldn't it?"
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