Monday, February 28, 2011

He said: "I wish that I could walk away from this war. I wish that I could walk away from the racism of this war. I wish that instead of killing these people, I could, in some way, help them live a better life. I wish I didn't have to see the things I've seen here. I wish that I could feel like something positive would be the result of my being here. I wish that the horror could stop, both for me and for the people, men, woman, and children, who are the victims of all this horror. I wish that I had known more, had researched and studied more in school so that I didn't have to be here. I wish that being here wasn't the only option that I could think of before I enlisted and came here. I wish this war would end. I wish that all of the people that I have killed or all of the brave men and woman that have died here, could magically be returned to their loved ones as happy, smiling, people who are just trying to get from one paycheck to the next, but who are full of love and happiness, and live with the knowledge that the next day will always be a little bit better than today. And that no one had to die."
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

She said: "This is were my heart resides. This is my staff and this is my strength. These are my people. These are the people who know me and love me and to whom I return love. This is my heart and my soul and the true marker of who I am and the map that guides me to where I am going. This is my truth. This is what makes me rich and what binds me to the earth. These are the things that I know. This is where I pray and where I rest at the end of day. This is my land. It is the place I will become when the time says that I must go. This is my home."
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

He said: "I grew up in an era of endless war. I saw my older brothers go into the "service" and not return home except in a pine box. I saw my parents grow old in war. I was the youngest son and was the last to be called, but by then the wars were folding up and there wasn't a lot for me to do but to fill up the body bags and stay safe. I hate war. I hated war more after I was called into service. I just never understood the reason for it. One man on one man in a argument is one thing. I was pretty good in the pub when a fight started. But I could never quite get what out and out war between nations or states could accomplish except, maybe, to get rid of a lot of hungry, poor people. It just never made any sense to me. I survived, but war didn't make me any smarter, or richer, or different, except it made me hate war all the more."
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Monday, February 21, 2011

He said: "When the day is done and the sky lights a fire in the heavens and darkness takes us to a place with no shadows and no certain outcome, and the temperature drops soliciting a shutter and a desire for warmth and safety, that is when I will strike you down. That is when I will surround you with sorrow. That is when you will know my name."
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

She said: "I was blinded by the light. I couldn't see anything and all around me there was wind and fire. I was trying to call out to the others, but I don't think they could hear me. It was hard to breath and the light was so bright that I had to go in that direction. I thought that I would feel heat, but as I got closer, the heat changed to cold and as I got closer, I could see what it was. It was a ship, or a plane of some kind, or a portal or an idea that could turn into a reality. I felt light and refreshed and ready and the light got brighter and the sounds got louder, and I could see their faces looking back at me and I was taken up but left behind, but I had had made a contact and that single moment changed everything."
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

He said: "It was a long time ago. I was a young man and I had ideas. I wanted to make a mark, but I didn't know how to do it. So, as you might guess, I messed it all up. I hung out with the wrong people, developed the wrong ideas, lusted after the wrong things and I became a monster. I hurt people I should have loved and loved people I should have been repulsed by. I woke up drunk and went to sleep with a needle in my arm. I was soon on the street and sick and there was really no one I could turn to. So, I decided that the only person I could count on was me. I started to change. It was gradual, but I noticed subtle changes in me. I slowly got smarter. As I got smarter I began to get stronger. It took a long time, but, here I am. Everything still looks a lot like yesterday. But, at the same time, looks real different that tomorrow."
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Friday, February 11, 2011

She said: "I am writing this in invisible ink so that I can forget what you told me. I am speaking to you in tongues so that you can understand me. I am turning away so that you can see me. I am severing my tongue so that we can speak. I do this all for you so that you can understand h0w hard it is to talk to you."
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

She said: "I'm waiting. I think that's what almost everyone is doing on any particular day and some particular time. We are all just waiting. We are waiting because there is nothing to move us, to propel us to the next thing, to inspire us to get up and dance, or to run as fast as we can, the embrace joy and to become a child again. We are waiting at work for the day to be over. We are waiting in school for the lesson to end. We are waiting to cross the street. It is all so mundane. I am waiting, as we all are, for the transformation that we all know must come to us. I am waiting for the ordinary, and I am waiting to be transformed by the miraculous."
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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

He said: "I was falling through space. The branch I was standing on snapped under my weight and it and I fell. I could see every single thing as I fell. I could see the sky and the clouds that were above me. I could see the other trees in that part of the wood. I could see animals, like squires and a bunny, on the ground that was coming up to meet me. I heard sounds and saw lights. It was like my brain was suddenly on "high" and it was taking in each moment of my fall and was sending this information back to me. As the ground came closer, it seemed to me that everything was slowing down. My fall was slowing, like there were unseen hands that were there to catch me somehow. I remember hitting the earth and hurting, but the hurting was only for just a moment. I lost my breath, but then got it back. Nothing was broken except that branch. I was saved, somehow, I don't know why. It was like I fell into someone's hands, into someone's care, into something that I can't explain. All I know is that I'm alive and mostly unhurt and am in someones hands and those hands are now are a part of me. They are taking good care of me, a foolish old man."
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Friday, February 04, 2011

She said: " I have good days and then I have not-so-good days, just like everybody else. Sometimes it's the weather that is the cause. Sometimes it's the heat. Sometime there are pains in my arms and legs that I can't explain and other times I'm just not hungry. It's not a big deal. I don't know why they make it out to be such a big deal. Sometimes I just don't feel like talking to anyone. Sometimes I just don't know where my purse is. Sometimes my purse just needs a "time out". Why does everything have to make sense. I don't think that life makes hardly any sense. I think everything is random. You just have to roll with it, don't you? Especially on "bad" days. Especially on bad hair days. You just have to roll with it. What else can you do?"
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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

He said : "You asked me, so I'm going to tell you what I think. I think you shouldn't wait too long. I think you shouldn't wait too long to be who you are. I don't think you should wait too long to find your dreams. I don't think you should wait too long to grab a piece of the pie and then to run with it. I don't think you should wait too long to know what it is that makes you alive and that feeds you and that directs you to heaven and that whispers in you ear to let you know that you are not alone and that there is a purpose that is waiting for you. I don't think you should wait too long to live your life, because before you know it, it will be over and you don't want to be one of people who, at that moment, is still waiting for their live to begin."
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